Top Ten Tuesday: My Backlist


Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. This week is devoted to my book backlist. Some of those books that have been on my reading list for far too long. I definitely have more than 10, but here are the ones I am most excited/guilty about.

Keeping this one short today to get some reading accomplished!

  1. Cosmere books, specifically the rest of the Mistborn trilogy.
  2. The Lunar Chronicles, I’ve still only read book 1!
  3. A Million Junes. I’ve heard so many good things about this one I just know I’ll love it.
  4. Daughter of Smoke and Bone. I read book 1 almost a year ago, and I have yet to get back to the series even though I loved it.
  5. Godsgrave. Seriously, why WHY haven’t I read Godsgrave yet???
  6. Lies of Locke Lamora. One of the first book on my TBR when I got back into reading and I have yet to pick it up.
  7. Smoke by Dan Vyleta. I’m reading this one soon with my work book club!
  8. The Jackaby Series. Another one I have heard so many amazing things about. Sounds like a vibe I will love and I just keep pushing it off!
  9. Long way to a Smal Angry Planet. The next time I need some Sci-fi this will likely be the one I pick up.
  10. The Unbound. I read The Archived ages ago and haven’t had the heart to read book 2 until I hear about a book 3. Fingers crossed!

What’s the #1 book on your backlist?

10 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: My Backlist

  1. I also really need to read more Brandon Sanderson, I’ve only read the mistborn series!
    You should really read the long way to a small angry planet, I really loved that book.
    I would love to get a third book in the archived series, mostly because I just want everything Schwab writes haha



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