ARC Snobbery: A Discussion

You all know I love and read a lot of Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs). I can't say I know many readers who aren't attracted to ARCs, or interested in obtaining them. Over the past year or so, I've received more than ever, which honestly isn't saying much since I've only been around the book scene … Continue reading ARC Snobbery: A Discussion

Mid-Year NetGalley TBR

As hard as it is to believe, June is almost over. This means that San Diego Comic Con is right around the corner, and will bring with it a huge pile of new books (probably). My TBR is already pretty ridiculous and I'm feeling pretty stressed about my summer reading list. It's going to take … Continue reading Mid-Year NetGalley TBR

Why VITA NOSTRA is my favorite Russian fairy tale

Recently it seems like books inspired by Russian folk lore and fairy tales are getting a ton of attention. Spinning Silver, Winter of the Witch, and Vita Nostra are all fairly recent releases that delve into Russian tales. After reading each of them, I can confidently say that Vita Nostra by Marina and Sergey Dyachenko … Continue reading Why VITA NOSTRA is my favorite Russian fairy tale