A-Z Bookish Survey Tag!

I saw Meltotheany post this tag today and I couldn’t help myself! Keep reading for the A-Z of my bookish life. XD


Author you’ve read the most from: 

Fairly certain I have read more VE Schwab than anything else! Between reads and re-reads, I am a total Schwabaholic.


Best Sequel Ever:

I have to go with Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson. No 2nd book has ever shocked and surprised me quite as much as this one.


Currently Reading?:

Two Dark Reigns by Kendare Blake

Two Dark Reigns (Three Dark Crowns, #3)


Drink of choice while reading:

Coffee for sure! Preferably Book Lovers Coffee!


E-reader, or physical book?:

Since I’m getting really into Netgally reviews, I am on my Kindle a lot more. I just got a new one and a fancy new case so I’m loving it. In general, my preference is for physical books.


Fictional character you would have dated in high school:

I would have dated Wylan. He’s the sweetest, but I could never take him away from Jesper.


Glad you gave this book a chance:

Definitely Give the Dark my Love by Beth Revis! One of my favorite books of the year, and I almost skipped it!


Hidden Gem Book:

Can I say Give the Dark my Love twice? Another recent favorite of mine is The Casquette Girls by Alys Arden.


Important moment in your reading life:

The day I subscribed to Owlcrate! That box eventually led me to bookstagram, and opened up so many bookish interests and opportunities for me. My life is so much richer thanks to Owlcrate.


Just Finished:

Black Wings Beating by Alex London. Not a fan.


Kinds of books you won’t read:

I don’t really get into romance. If a book seems like it will have a huge focus on romance I usually skip it.


Longest book you’ve read:

Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson at over 1200 pages.


Major book hangover because of:

This is a hard one for me, I don’t get a lot of book hangovers. I did get one after Strange the Dreamer.


Number of bookcases you own:

I have 4 bookcases, and I really don’t have room for anymore. I also have a set of floating bookshelves that I love!


One book you have read multiple times:

Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo.


Preferred place to read:

On my couch right next to my book shelves!


Quote that inspires you/gives you all the feels from a book you’ve read:

There’s a quote in The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White that I love.

“Bring me back an equation. The most beautiful equation you can find!”

I think it says a lot about Elizabeth and really speaks to her character and what she wants out of life.


Reading Regret:

Rabbit & Robot by Andrew Smith. Just not a good choice for me.


Series you started and need to finish:

The Daughter of Smoke and Bone series! I read the first one and I loved it so much and then I never continued.


Three of your all-time favorite books:

Vicious by VE Schwab

Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman

Scythe by Neal Shusterman


Unapologetic fangirl for:

All the Cosmere books, I need all things Cosmere plz and thank you. Some of Brandon Sanderson’s series connect. I love when authors do tie-ins for their series, and I think the Cosmere is the #1 example of this. I am so into finding all the repeat characters and hidden connections between the books.


Very excited for this release:

I feel like I would be a fool if I didn’t say Vengeful for this one! Vicious was one of my favorite reads this year, and after hearing Schwab talk a little bit about her inspiration for the sequel, I am so looking forward to seeing where she takes the series.


Worst bookish habit: 

Buying books and never reading them, or just buying a book before I know I want it forever. I don’t have a ton of space for books in my teeny tiny San Diego condo, so I have to curate my book collection a bit carefully. Netgalley has been a big help because I’m not mostly buying finished copies I know I love after reading the e-Arc.


X Marks the spot – Start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book:

I went to my TBR shelf, and I found Temeraire by Naomi Novik!

Temeraire (Temeraire #1)


Your latest book purchase:

I believe it was a copy of Warcross that I painted for Marie Lu.


ZZZ-snatcher book – last book that kept you up past your bedtime:

Priory of the Orange Tree! Though to be fair, I was doing a readathon at the time, so it was my goal to stay up super late. Regardless, I found it really hard to put it down, and I can’t wait for everyone to get it in February!

I love when people leave these open to everyone, so if you read this far consider yourself tagged! (Though Milana & Jena, if you are reading I would love to see your answers <3)

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